Asalaam Alykum,
My non-Muslim (Catholic) friend was yesterday told her Cancer has come back and spread to other organs and she cannot get better. I am trying my best to console her and her children. She is a very good friend to me and I hold her very dear to my heart. I advise her to keep her faith in the Creator,What can I do as her Muslim friend, I would like to give sadaqah in her name is this permissible? Is there anything else I can do in terms of prayers in the hope it will benefit her soul in the afterlife or here but also for the well-being of her family to provide them the strength and patience in managing this episode of their lives.
wa `alaykum salam,
It is not prohibited to pray or give sadaqah for your non-Muslim friend to be cured or to ease her pain and suffering etc. You can pray to Allah for her hidaya (guidance) to Islam. However, the only thing you cannot pray for is forgiveness for a disbeliever.
Imam Senad Agic
Head Imam (IABNA)
The Islamic Association of Bosniaks in North America
American Islamic Center – Chicago